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Completion of Workshop on Water Recling Simulation and Modelling: Unlocking the Future of Water Management
Completion of Workshop on Water Recling Simulation and Modelling: Unlocking the Future of Water Management

19 March, 2024 by Charlotte Lee

We are thrilled to announce the successful...

IJITIS Journal Meeting and SWOT Analysis at TULTECH
IJITIS Journal Meeting and SWOT Analysis at TULTECH

15 January, 2024 by Charlotte Lee

Greetings, TULTECH community! In our...

A Milestone Meeting for EIL: Shaping the Future of Environmental Industry Letters
A Milestone Meeting for EIL: Shaping the Future of Environmental Industry Letters

15 December, 2023 by Charlotte Lee

Dear TULTECH Community, We are delighted to...

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Completion of Workshop on Water Recling Simulation and Modelling: Unlocking the Future of Water Management

Completion of Workshop on Water Recling Simulation and Modelling: Unlocking the Future of Water Management

TULTECH Water Recycling Water Simulation Workshop

Posted on 19 March, 2024 by Charlotte Lee

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our recent Workshop on Water Recycling Simulation and Modelling, which took place on March 15, 2024, in an online format. This workshop brought together participants from around the globe to explore innovative solutions for water management challenges. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed instructors, Professor Kourosh Behzadian , Dr. Amir M. Fathollahi-Fard, and Mohammad Gheibi, for their invaluable contributions...
IJITIS Journal Meeting and SWOT Analysis at TULTECH

IJITIS Journal Meeting and SWOT Analysis at TULTECH

Greetings, TULTECH community! In our continued pursuit of excellence, a pivotal meeting was recently held to discuss the progress and future direction of the International Journal of Innovative Technology and Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJITIS). The meeting, graced by esteemed participants, provided a platform to conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis. Participants: Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Karras: Editor in Chief Assoc. Prof. Dr. Klodian Dhoska: IJITIS Journal Manager and...
A Milestone Meeting for EIL: Shaping the Future of Environmental Industry Letters

A Milestone Meeting for EIL: Shaping the Future of Environmental Industry Letters

EIL Klodian Dhoska Kourosh Behzadian

Posted on 15 December, 2023 by Charlotte Lee

Dear TULTECH Community, We are delighted to share news of a momentous event – the inaugural general meeting of the Environmental Industry Letters (EIL) journal. This session brought together key figures from TULTECH and EIL, setting the stage for exciting developments ahead. EIL envisions becoming a global hub for cutting-edge environmental research. Our mission is to publish high-quality articles that drive positive change in the industry. As we navigate towards major...
Mohammad Gheibi Selected as co-Chair of EGU 2024 Conference

Mohammad Gheibi Selected as co-Chair of EGU 2024 Conference

EGU24 European Geoscience Union Mohammad Gheibi

Posted on 3 November, 2023 by Charlotte Lee

We are delighted to share some remarkable news from our own TULTECH family. For the second consecutive year, our very own Eng. Mohammad Gheibi , the Head of the Research and Development Department, has been chosen to lead the prestigious EGU 2024 Conference in a specific field. EGU is one of the most significant events in the European geoscience community. This remarkable achievement speaks volumes about Mohammad's dedication, expertise, and the profound impact he continues to make...
Universe composed of water? Large exoplanet's environment contains methane and atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Universe composed of water? Large exoplanet's environment contains methane and atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Hubble Space Hycean world K2-18 b Universe composed of water

Posted on 22 September, 2023 by Charlotte Lee

Hubble Space Telescope observations provided the first look at this habitable-zone exoplanet, revealing details about its atmosphere that led to further research that fundamentally altered our understanding of the system. K2-18 b is located in the constellation Leo, 120 light-years from Earth, and orbits the cold dwarf star K2-18 within the habitable zone. K2-18 b is one of the many exoplanets that are completely unique to our solar system because of its intermediate size between that of...
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Today In History

Here are some interesting facts ih history happened on 11 March.

  1. 1st London daily newspaper
  2. Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise
  3. John Chapman `Johnny Appleseed' dies in Allen County - Ind
  4. Confederate convention in Montgomery - adopts constitution
  5. Gen Sherman's Union forces occupies Fayetteville - NC
  6. Great Mauna Loa volcano erupts
  7. Blizzard struck NE US - 400 die
  8. 1st public basketball game (Springfield - Mass)
  9. Pres & Chief Justice William Taft buried in Arlington
  10. Germany invades Austria
  11. FDR signs Lend-Lease Bill
  12. Gen MacArthur left Bataan for Australia
  13. 1st woman army Dr commissioned (FM Adams)
  14. Charles Van Doren finally loses on TV's 21
  15. Pioneer 5 launched; orbits sun between Earth & Venus
  16. Rings of Uranus are discovered
  17. Mikhail S Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko
  18. 187.27 million shares traded in NY Stock Exchange