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Completion of Workshop on Water Recling Simulation and Modelling: Unlocking the Future of Water Management
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Calendar of Events
Completion of Workshop on Water Recling Simulation and Modelling: Unlocking the Future of Water Management
Posted on 19 March, 2024 by Charlotte Lee

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our recent Workshop on Water Recycling Simulation and Modelling, which took place on March 15, 2024, in an online format. This workshop brought together participants from around the globe to explore innovative solutions for water management challenges.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed instructors, Professor Kourosh Behzadian, Dr. Amir M. Fathollahi-Fard, and Mohammad Gheibi, for their invaluable contributions and expertise shared during the workshop sessions. Their insights and guidance played a crucial role in enriching the learning experience for all participants.
We also express our gratitude to all the participants who joined us for this enriching event. Your active engagement and insightful contributions made the workshop a resounding success.
For those who were unable to attend or wish to revisit the workshop presentations, we are pleased to announce that recorded videos of the conference presentations are now available on the workshop page. Click HERE to access the post-workshop materials, such as recorded video and presentation files.
We look forward to continuing our efforts to explore innovative solutions for water management challenges and to furthering collaboration and knowledge exchange in this important field.
Thank you to everyone who participated in making this workshop a success.
Warm regards,
Event Categories
Past Events
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Smart Cities
20 August, 2024
Workshop on Advanced Water Treatment Processes
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Workshop on Water Recycling Simulation and Modelling
15 March, 2024Today In History
Here are some interesting facts ih history happened on 11 March.
- 1st London daily newspaper
- Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise
- John Chapman `Johnny Appleseed' dies in Allen County - Ind
- Confederate convention in Montgomery - adopts constitution
- Gen Sherman's Union forces occupies Fayetteville - NC
- Great Mauna Loa volcano erupts
- Blizzard struck NE US - 400 die
- 1st public basketball game (Springfield - Mass)
- Pres & Chief Justice William Taft buried in Arlington
- Germany invades Austria
- FDR signs Lend-Lease Bill
- Gen MacArthur left Bataan for Australia
- 1st woman army Dr commissioned (FM Adams)
- Charles Van Doren finally loses on TV's 21
- Pioneer 5 launched; orbits sun between Earth & Venus
- Rings of Uranus are discovered
- Mikhail S Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko
- 187.27 million shares traded in NY Stock Exchange